1. Normal registration full name, email, mobile and make password...
Online Membership Form
2. Login by your email and password...
Members Login
Membership Category and fee |
SAARC Countries* |
Individual (Annual) |
Rs. 800 |
Rs. 800 |
US $ 60 |
Individual (Life) |
Rs. 8,000 |
Rs. 8,000 |
US $ 300 |
Sustaining industries (Annual) |
Rs. 20,000 |
Rs. 20,000 |
- |
Sustaining industries (Life) |
Rs. 50,000 |
- |
- |
Institution Libraries (Annual) |
Rs. 10,000 |
Rs. 10,000 (Postage charges included) |
US $ 300 |
*SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka |
3. After login click to payment button in home page and fill payment details
a). Select membership category
b). Select payment Mode (2 option online/demand draft)
1. Online payment Select and click
(All Net Banking and Debit & Credit Card E-Wallet and UPI)
2. Before submit the form make a demand draft by your bank, and fill all details and click
. and wait admin approval after receiving your DD in headquarter.
(Note : The membership fee in the form of demand draft in favor of "Indian Society of Weed Science", payable at Jabalpur may be sent to the The Secretary, ISWS, ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Maharajpur, Adhartal, Jabalpur - 482 004 Madhya Pradesh)
See your name in ISWS members Directory click this link
ISWS Members Directory