Aerobic rice, Grasses, Herbicides, Weed control efficacy, Yield
A replicated field experiment was conducted during 2014 and 2015 to determine the efficacy of herbicides under aerobic soil conditions for selecting suitable herbicide dose towards successful grassy weed management in rice at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Farm, Ashokenagar, West Bengal, India. The results clearly indicated the positive response of herbicide on grassy weeds. Among the herbicide treatments, metamifop 10 EC 125 g/ha resulted in lower number of weed population, (15.67 and 10.90) and higher weed control efficiency 91.55% and 92.60%), during 2014 and 2015, respectively. On an average 64.5% grain yield was recorded over the control. Application of metamifop at 2-3 leaf stage could be the possible alternative options for effective and economic weed control in rice under aerobic system to avoid development of herbicide resistance in weed.