Editorial office:

Office Manager
Indian Society of Weed Science
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research,
Maharajpur, Jabalpur, India 482 004
+91 9300127442 | iswsjbp@gmail.com

Publisher Address:

Indian Society of Weed Science
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research,
Maharajpur, Jabalpur, India 482 004
+91 9425412041 | dubeyrp@gmail.com

Indian Journal of Weed Science

Print ISSN: 0253-8050 | Online ISSN: 0974-8164

NAAS rating: 5.42

Chief Editor

Principal Scientist (Retd.)
ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research (DWR)
Maharajpur, Jabalpur 482004
+91 9425186747

Associate editors

CCS Haryana Agricultural University
Hisar, India


ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi, India



Indian Journal of Weed Science is inviting your articles, review article, Research article and Research note on all topics of weed science. IJWS welcomes quality work that focuses on research, development and review. We are looking forward for strict compliance to the modern age standards in all these fields. Authors across the globe are welcome to submit their research papers in the prestigious journal fulfilling the requisite criterion.

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Paper Publication Process –

  1. Manuscripts are received online in the editorial office with the certificate that MS has not been sent for consideration in any other journals for consideration.
  2. Manuscripts are checked by office for its style and pattern and for plagiarism. If plagiarism is more than 20%, it is not considered and sent back to author for revision and re-submission.
  3. If MS is found fit at Editorial office in context to plagiarism and style and pattern, it is sent to Chief Editor for further processing.
  4. If chief Editor find the MS suitable for consideration, he shall suggest two name of referees as reviewers either from editorial board or from other institutions of concern discipline for reviewing the MS.
  5. Editorial Office shall send the MS for double blind review to the reviewers suggested by Chief Editor.
  6. Comments of double -blind reviewers will be sent to corresponding author without disclosing the identity of the reviewers to address the comments and re-submission of MS.
  7. In case, one reviewer rejects while other accept the MS, it is sent to third reviewer suggested by Chief Editor.
  8. Revised MS is again sent to reviewers to see whether their comments are addressed suitably.
  9. On agreeing by the reviewers, the MS is again sent to Chief Editors with comments of reviewers and reply of author to take the final decision.
  10. The final decision of Chief Editor is communicated to authors.

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