American cotton, Bolls per plant, Seed cotton yield, Weed control efficiency
Field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2014 to evaluate weed control efficiency of different herbicides for weed management and their effect on cotton crop. Highest seed cotton yield (3.55 t/ha) was recorded in weed free plots followed by pyrithiobac-sodium 62.5 g/ha + quizalofop-ethyl 50 g/ha + one hoeing (3.52 t/ha) owing to improved number of bolls per plant and boll weight. Statistically least yield was recorded under weedy check (1.92 t/ha). Weed control efficiency (WCE) was highest under weed free check (90.3%) followed by pendimethalin 1.0 kg/ha + quizalofop-ethyl 50 g/ha + one hoeing (71.0%), whereas minimum for weedy check (25.5%). Net returns (` 100916/ha) and B:C ratio (2.14) were highest for pyrithiobac-sodium 62.5 g/ha + quizalofop-ethyl 50 g/ha + one hoeing. Therefore, this set of chemicals combination along with cultural practices could be the practical solution for economically efficient and effective weed management in cotton.