B:C ratio, Chemical control, Herbicide, Weed density, Wheat, Yield
Pinoxaden 50 g/ha reduced P. minor weeds, significantly which was statistically at par with clodinafop 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron 24.5 g/ha but significantly superior over pendimethalin 750 g/ha, isoproturon 937 g/ha. Numbers of effective tillers/m2 were higher among pinoxaden, clodinafop and sulfosulfuron treatment from the isoproturon, pendimethalin and unweeded check. All other herbicide treatments failed to produce any significant effect on the plant height, ear length, number of grains/ear and 1000- grain weight of wheat crop. Pinoxaden 50 g/ha produced higher average grain yield (4.9 t/ha), which was statistically at par with clodinafop 60 g/ha (4.80 t/ha), sulfosulfuron 24.5 g/ha (4.76 t/ha) but significant superior from the isoproturon 937 g/ha (4.52 t/ha), pendimethalin 750 g/ha (4.18 t/ha) and unweeded check (3.98 t/ha). The increase in yield was due to less weed competition among these treatments. Benifit: cost ratio was higher in case of clodinafop (1.83:1) followed by pinoxaden (1.82:1), sulfosulfuron (1.82:1) and isoproturon (1.70:1) and pendimethalin (1.46:1) but lower B:C ratio was obtained with unweeded check (1.45:1).