Herbicides, Mixed weed flora, Pre-mix, Sequential application, Tank-mix, Weed control, Wheat
The field efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicides for control of mixed weed flora in wheat was evaluated in a field study conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during Rabi seasons of 2014-15 and 2015-16. The season long growth of weeds reduced wheat yield upto 38.5%. Pendimethalin and metribuzin recorded 65-73 and 73-78% control of Phalaris minor, respectively and their tank-mix application enhanced P. minor control to 78-85%. Pendimethalin and metribuzin recorded 26-33 and 58-63% control of Medicago denticulata, respectively and their tank-mix application enhanced control to 77-92% of this weed. Pendimethalin and metribuzin provided control of Rumex dentatus to the extent of 98-100% and 68-92%, respectively, while provided 98-100 and 63-72%, respectively control of C. album. Sequential application of pendimethalin as pre-emergence followed by sulfosulfuron as post-emergence recorded the highest weed control efficiency (96%) and wheat grain yield (4.8 t/ha), and it was at par to pre-emergence pendimethalin + metribuzin, post-emergence pinoxaden + metsulfuron, mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron, sulfosulfuron + metsulfuron and two hand weeding.