Haryana, Weed flora, Wheat
To study the floristic composition of weeds in wheat, 292 fields were surveyed in fourteen wheat growing districts of Haryana state during January–March 2012 and 2013. In all, 21 weed species (4 grassy and 17 broad-leaf) were found to infest wheat fields in Haryana. Grassy weed Phalaris minor was most dominant weed with IVI values of 43.2-97.7 in all the surveyed districts except Bhiwani, Mahendragarh and Rewari. Another grassy weed, Avena ludoviciana showed its presence with a RD of 0.5-21.7% and IVI values of 1.5-43.4% in south-western districts of Haryana. Grassy weeds of moist soils Polypogon monspliensis and Poa annua showed their presence only in north-eastern districts. Chenopodium album and Chenopodium murale, Trigonella polycerata, Melilotus indica, Rumex spinosus, Fumaria parviflora and Asphodelus tenuifolius were dominating broad-leaf weeds in south-western districts. Robust dicotyledonous weed Malva parviflora, adherent to heavy textured soils and zero till planted wheat, was mainly confined in Ambala, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Rohtak, Sonepat and Fardiabad districts. Convolvulus arvensis- a broad-leaf climber in all districts except Ambala and Karnal.