College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695 522
Field experiments were conducted during 2016 rainy and winter seasons to study the effect of tillage, water regimes and weed management methods on weeds and transplanted rice. The design was split plot with combinations of tillage and water regimes as main plot treatments and weed management methods as subplot treatments. The weed biomass was significantly reduced and the rice performance was superior under intensive tillage (three ploughings followed by (fb) puddling), when compared to the conventional farmers’ practice of land preparation. Among the water regimes, continuous deep water ponding (> 7.5 cm water) either till panicle initiation or grain filling stage suppressed weed growth better than that under the recommended practice of maintaining about 5 cm water level with intermittent drainage. Weed control efficiency (WCE) was maximum under azimsulfuron 35 g/ha applied at 15 days after transplanting (DAT), followed by pre-plant application of oxyflourfen fb one hand weeding at 20 DAT.