College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334006, India
Two years field study was conducted during 2010 and 2011 at research farm of SKRAU, Bikaner to evaluate the effect of different weed control measures on weed dynamics and yield in Kharif crops. Experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replications comprising different treatment combinations three Kharif crops as pearl millet, cluster bean, groundnut and three weed control measures- weedy check, mechanical method (two hand weeding) and chemical methods. The major weed species observed in the experimental plots were Digera arvensis L., Tribulus terrestris L., Cenchrus biflorus L., and Euphorbia microphylla L. with respect to their mean density at 30 DAS. The results of experiment showed that among Kharif crops, pearl millet recorded maximum density of weeds at 30 DAS whereas groundnut recorded maximum density of Digera arvensis and Euphorbia macrophylla at 30 DAS and maximum dry weight of all weed species at harvest. Two hand weeding significantly reduced the weed density at 30 DAS and weed dry weight at harvest. Application of atrazine 0.5 kg/ha in pearl millet and pendimethalin at 1.0 kg/ha in cluster bean and groundnut significantly reduced density and dry weight of weeds except that of Digera arvensis, which was not significantly controlled by pendimethalin in both cluster bean and groundnut. In pearl millet, cluster bean and groundnut, two hand weeding and chemical method increased the grain and straw yield over weedy check, on pooled mean basis.
Chemical method, Grain yield, Hand weeding, Kharif crops, Weedy check