Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
Glyphosate, weed control efficiency, deleterious effect of herbicides, herbicides effect on
non-target organisms.
Several herbicides were evaluated for their possibility of use in the lac production system under Flemingia semialata in the Research Farm of Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi. Among several herbicides evaluated, application of glyphosate at 1.0 kg/ha in Flemingia semialata (vernacularly called bhalia) plantation at 10 days prior to lac insect inoculation, resulted in significant reduction in weed density and dry weight with 88.6% weed control efficiency (WCE). Glyphosate was found safe to lac insect and superior to other tested herbicides and resulted in 38.8% higher sticklac yield over control. The weed free treatment (manual, weeding twice) recorded the highest sticklac yield (239.7 g/bush or 1918 kg/ha) but was uneconomical in comparison to herbicide treatments.