Pigeonpea, Chemical control, Saurashtra region
Panicum colonum, Celosia argentea, Commelina benghalensis, Eragrostis major, Cyperus rotundus and Digera arvensis were the dominant weeds in pigeonpea. Integration of pendimethalin as preemergence, quizalofop ethyl as post-emergence and oxadiargyl as pre-emergence with one hand weeding and one interculture operation at 40 days after sowing (DAS) proved effective in reducing total weed density and dry weight of weeds. The maximum growth parameters, yield attributes and yield were significantly recorded under weed free condition which was closely followed by pendimethalin 900 g/ha as pre-emergence with one hand weeding and one inter-culturing at 40 DAS, quizalofop ethyl 40 g/ha as post-emergence with one hand weeding and one interculturing at 40 DAS and oxadiargyl 90 g/ha as pre-emergence with one hand weeding and one interculturing at 40 DAS. Chemical analysis of plant indicated that weed free treatment gave maximum N, P and K uptake in grain as well as in stover. Integration of pendimethalin, quizalofop ethyl and oxadiargyl with one hand weeding and one interculturing were found at par with weed free. The maximum net return was acquired under pendimethalin 900 g/ha as pre emergence with one hand weeding and one interculturing at 40 DAS closely followed by, weed free, quizalofop ethyl 40 g/ha as post emergence with one hand weeding and one interculturing at 40 day after sowing and oxadiargyl 90 g/ha as pre emergence with one hand weeding and one interculturing at 40 DAS.