This article Citation:

Ram Gopal and V. S. Mani . 1969. Effect of some Chemical, Mechanical and Cropping Methods of Weed Control on the Food reserves of underground organs in Cyperus rotundus L. . Indian Journal of Weed Science : 1( ) 31- 40.

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Indian Society of Weed Science
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Volume Issue Publication year Page No Type of article
1 1969 31-40 Full length articles
Effect of some Chemical, Mechanical and Cropping Methods of Weed Control on the Food reserves of underground organs in Cyperus rotundus L.

Ram Gopal and V. S. Mani

DOI: IJWS-1969-1-1&2-6

Address: Associate Professor of Botany, Himachal Agricultural College, Solan and Agronomist (Weed Control), Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,



Twelve days after the comoletlon of the treatments in the first year the dry weight of nutgrass tubers under P2C~, P4C4 and P~C4 was reduced to 67.2, 87.9 and 844 per cent as compared to PoCo in the 0-15 cm depth. The reduction in 15-:30 cm depth was to the extent of 63.0, 587 and 50.0 per cent as compared to PoCo. At maize harvest in 1964 the reduction was 75.9, 77.3 and 82.6 per cent in the 0-15 cm depth and 83.3,84.4 and 807 per cent respectively for PZC2, P4C.j, and P2Ci as compared to PoCo. Twelve days after repetition of treatments in 1965 the dry weight of nutgrass tubers under P 2C2' P 4CZ and P 4C4 was reduced to 70.4, 71.2 and 71.9 per cent in 0-15 cm depth and 97.4, 97.4 and 100.0 per cent in 15-30 cm depth as compared to PoCo At malz e harve st in 1935 th s raduction in tuber weight wa5 92.2,97.8 and 100.0 per cent in 0-15 cm depth and 94.6, 97.3 and 953 per cent as compared to PoCo. Amount of starch in the nutgrass tubers in the 0-15 cm depth under P2C2• P4C4 and P2C2 was brought down to 93. 100 and 12.2 per cent and 14 1, 164 and 14.9 p« cent, re spect ive ly 12 days attar the completion of the treatments and at maize harvest in 1964 as compared to PoCo. The amount of starch in the nutgrass tubers in 15-30 cm depth under P2CZ' P4C4 and PeC4 was brought down to 21.4, 393 and 25.9 per cent and 94,0.0 and 20.7 per cent re~pectivelv, 12 days after completion of the treatments and at maize harvest in 1964 as compared to PoCo. Twelve days after the repet itlcn of


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