This article Citation:

Indu Mehta and U.B. Singh. 1969. A survey of flora of field weeds of Chambal commanded area (Kota) Rajasthan . Indian Journal of Weed Science : 1( ) 63- 75.

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Indian Society of Weed Science
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research,
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Volume Issue Publication year Page No Type of article
1 1969 63-75 Full length articles
A survey of flora of field weeds of Chambal commanded area (Kota) Rajasthan

Indu Mehta and U.B. Singh

DOI: IJWS-1969-1-1&2-10

Address: Contrtbution of Department of Agriculture, Rajasthan, Jaipur. Work done under the scheme of River Valley Project-at Irrigation Research Centre Chambal Commanded area, Kota.



A detailed collection of weeds in ten tehsils of Chambal Commanded Area, Have been listed with a statistical synopsis in the present paper. Leguminaceae, Compositeae and Gramineae make more than 1/3 of the flora, these coupled with Euphorbiaceae and Amaranthaceae cover about fifty per cent of the flora. The remaining flora is composed of thirtyeight families. Except Gramineae monocots are poorly developed. Euphorbia, Indigofera, Corchorous have more than four species. Other genera are poorly represented.

Digera, Psoralia, Celosia, Alysicarpus, Rungia, Justicia and Euphorbia are very common in kharif season. Obnoxious creeping weeds of this season are Cynotis, Merremia, Trianthema, Convolvulus and Ipomea spp. In Rabi season Chenopodium, Sonchus, T'rigonella, Medicago, and some species of Euphorbia are very common in this area. The only parasites found in the crops in this area are Striga euphr asioides and Cuscuta spp.

Certain crop weed associations need special mention because ot their severe competition with crops and further studies are required regarding the relative losses and their extent due to such competition. Wheat crop suffers


due to Chenopodium album, C. murale and Convolvulus arvensis, Paddy due to Ammania baccii era, Rottela denscfiora, Cyperus aristatus and Caesulia axillaris, In kharif sorghum, pluses, Til, Groundnut, in general sustain a strong competition with Digera muricata, Ru.ngia ,epens, Celosia argente a, Echinochola colonurn, Psoralea corvlii olia. Merremia emarfinl.1ta, Cyperus rotundus, d usticia quinqueangularis, Vernon; a cony zoides, Vicoa indica etc. These weeds are very common and under favourable conditions of good rainfall even total crop losses in some fields do occur due to these competitions. Selective association of Cuscuta in Lucerne. Striga in Jowar and Ipomea in sunhemp are also worth recording.

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