Department of Soil Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)
Soil, Soybean grain, Straw, Residue, Imazethapyr, HPLC analysis
Experiment was conducted to see the effect of balance and imbalance level of nutrients on residue of imazethapyr. Imazethapyr was applied at 100 g/ha 25 days after sowing of soybean crop for managing annual and perennial broad-leaf weeds and sedges. Soil and crop samples were collected at harvest and analyzed by HPLC using photo diode array detector. Retention time of imazethapyr was found to be approximately 3.5 minutes. Residues of imazethapyr in soil at various treatments were found 0.0124 to 0.0121 mg/g. Concentration of imazethapyr in soil was maximum in 100% N + imazethapyr (T ) and minimum in (100% NPK + imazethapyr (T ) treatments respectively. At 7 8 harvest residue of imazethapyr was not found in soybean grains and straw in any set of treatments except T (100% N).