Cassava, Tuber crop, Tapioca, Weed management
The experiment comprising 10 weed management practices of different herbicidal combinations along with hand weeding were conducted on light textured soil of Jagdalpur as rainfed in Kharif season 2011 and 2012 on Tubers. Digitaria sangunalis, Eleusine indica, Setaria gluaca, Cyperus compressus and Echinochloa colona among monocots whereas broad leaved weeds, viz. Celosia argentea, Commelina benghalensis, Spilanthus acmella and Euphorbia geniculata were found rampant weeds. Irrespective of weeds management practices, density and dry weight of weeds and weed control efficiency were significant under four hand weeding (1,2,3 and 4 month after planting). The growth and yield attributes of cassava over weedy check were also higher in same treatment over weedy check.