Herbicide mixture, application time, weed control efficacy
Efficacy of azimsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl alone and in combination was evaluated against complex weed flora in transplanted rice at Karnal, Haryana, India during kharif 2006 and 2007. The experimental field was infested with grassy, broad-leaved weeds and sedges during two years to the extent of 43-54, 32-46 and 11-14%, respectively. Excellent control of broad-leaved weeds and sedges (90-100%) under all the treatments of azimsulfuron alone or admix with metsulfuron was observed. Pretilachlor and pretilachlor fb chlorimuron+metsulfuron provided better control of grassy weeds compared to azimsulfuron alone and in combination with metsulfuron. In this study, there was no significant effect of addition of metsulfuron to azimsulfuron on rice grain yield. Azimsulfuron and metsulfuron being safe for rice crop were found compatible and azimsulfuron 30 g+metsulfuron-methyl 2 g/ha applied at 15-25 DAT could be exploited in situations where weed flora was pre-dominated with broad-leaved weeds and sedges.