Department of Agronomy, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Bihar)
Benefit-cost ratio, Herbicides, Weed control efficiency, Winter maize+potato intercropping
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of weed management practices on weed control and yield of maize + potato intercropping system. The highest maize equivalent yield (152.79 q/ha) was recorded with two hand weedings at 25 and 50 days after sowing (DAS) closely followed by atrazine 0.5 kg/ha followed by hand weeding at 50 DAS (149.69 q/ha). The lowest maize equivalent yield (91.85 q/ha) was recorded in weedy check. All the weed management practices significantly reduced the density and biomass of grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds over weedy check. The highest weed control efficiency (76.44%) was recorded with hand weeding (twice) followed by atrazine 0.5 kg/ha fb hand weeding at 50 DAS (66.25%). Maximum net monetary returns (Rs 61155/ha) was recorded under hand weeding (twice), which was at par with atrazine 0.5 kg/ha followed by one hand weeding at 50 DAS (Rs 59877/ha).