National Research Centre for Weed Science, Maharajpur, Adhartal, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)
Biological control, Waterhyacinth, Pathogens
Waterhyacinth is the world worst aquatic weed causing severe ecological and economical losses. Plant pathogens are playing an increasing role in classical biological control of weeds worldwide. The present study attempts to explore some endemic phytopathogens of waterhyacinth. During surveys of waterhyacinth infested water bodies in Jabalpur, 31 isolates of endemic pathogens were recovered from diseased plant parts of the weed. The emergent fungi were purified and screened for their pathogenicity to waterhyacinth in two ways viz., spraying of the spore/mycelial suspension and secondary metabolites produced in broth, under growth chamber conditions. Of these Alternaria alternata followed by Curvularia lunata, Fusarium pallidoroseum, Alternaria eichhorniae and Rhizoctonia solani were found to be highly pathogenic