A field experiment was conducted during winter seasons of 2000-01 and 2001-02 to study the effect of sowing techniques and weed management on weed dynamics and yield of wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) emend. Fiori and Paol]. Criss-cross sowing significantly reduced weed dry biomass and produced 19.93% more grain yield than broadcast method of sowing. Weed control treatments significantly reduced weed density and weed dry biomass than weedy check. Among the weed control treatments, sulfosulfuron was found most effective herbicide and it significantly reduced the total weed population and density of Phalaris minor and Avena fatua to the tune of 87.3 and 92.9%, respectively, over control. However, isoproturon 0.75 kg/ha controlled P. minor and A. fatua only to the extent of 67.8 and 78.6%. Hand weeding recorded similar grain yield to that of sulfosulfuron and significantly outyielded isoproturon and 2, 4-D.