Tank mixture of clodinafop+sulfosulfuron (3 : I) at 60 g ha- ' and fenoxaprop+ sulfosulfuron (4 : I and 5 : I) at 120 g ha- I provided 85-90% control of Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris minor and 60% control of broadleaf weeds like Chenopodium album. Melilotus indica and Rumex retrojlexus. None of the herbicide combinations was effective against Convolvulus arvensis. Clodinafop+sulfosulfuron at lower dose of 50 g ha- I and fenoxaprop+sulfosulfuron at 100 g ha- I although provided good control of broadleaf weeds but poor control of grassy weeds. Maximum grain yield (5240 kg ha- ') was obtained in weedfree treatment which was at par with clodinafop+sulfosulfllron (3 : I) at 60 g ha- I and fenoxaprop+slllfoslllfuron (4 : I or 5 : I) at 120 g ha- ' .