Fenoxaprop at 120 g ha", clodinafop at 60 g ha" and sulfosulfuron at 25 g ha" significantly reduced the density of Phalaris minor and increased number of spikes and grain yield of wheat over their lower doses. Density of broad leaf weeds decreased significantly with sulfosulfuron or metribuzin or tank mixture of metribuzin with fenoxaprop or c1odinafop compared to weedy check. Tank mixture of clodinafop+metribuzin at 45+ 140 g ha'I recorded lowest weed biomass fotlowed by fenaxoprop+metribuzin at 90+ 140 g ha'i and clodinafop+metribuzin at 30+140 g ha". Increasing the dose of metribuzin in the mixture from 100 to 140 g ha'i reduced wheat yield; the effect was more pronounced with fenoxaprop than with clodinafop.