2. 4-0 when USe1 as tank mixture or one week before application of fenoxaprop and clodinafop-propargyl reduced efficacy of these herbicides against A. ludoviciana and Pha/aris minlJ/: whereas efficacy of sulfosulfuron used as tank mixture or one week after 2, 4-0 application was not affected. Efficacy of 2. 4-0 against broadleaf weeds Chenopodium alhum L.. Meli/o/us indica and Rumex re/I'O[/exus L. was same either used as tank mixture or in sequential application before or after these grassy herbicides. Sequential application or 2, 4-0 one week after spray or fenoxaprop and clodinafop-propargyl did not reduce ertlcacy of these herbicides and gave grain yield of wheat at par with weed-free check.