Pcndimethalin at 1.0 kg ha" on beds as prc-emergence followed by cultivation in furrows wa; effective (WeE 62.0%,) against grassy and non-grassy weeds resulting in lower total wecds density (35.0 No. Ill") which was statistically at par with sulfosulfuron at 25 g ha', lralkoxydim at 350 g ha" and hand weeding at 30 DAS. Maximum grain yield was obtaincd in bed planted wecd-free plOI (3725 kg ha") which was at par with pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha" on bcd as pre-emergencc followed by cultivation in furrows, sulfosultllron at 25 g ha", tralkoxydim at 350 g ha" and c1odinafop at 60 g ha".