Major weed nora associatcd with wet direct-sown summer rice during the dry season comprised mainly Echinochloa colona (9.5%,), Cyperus dU!c)rmis (30.2%), Fil1lhris(yli.\· l1Iiliacea (27.0%,), S[Jhenochlea zeylanica (15.8%) and Ludwigia [Jarvi/lora (17.5%.). Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (25 g ha") applied at 10 days after sowing was most effective in controlling the weeds (95.6'Yo) and maximizing rice grain yield (5.72 t ha"). This was at par with hand wceding twice at 20 and 40 DAS in terms of weed control efficiency and grain yield. Pyrazoslllfliron ethyl (20 g ha:') applied at 10 DAS, pretilachlor+safener (750 g ha") applied at 7 DAS and fentral.amide (120 g ha") applied at 7 DAS also showed good suppression of weeds with weed control etliciency of 93.7, 91.4 and 90.5'%, respectively. There was more than 45%, reduction in the grain yield of rice due to competition with weeds in weedy plots.