The dry matter of weeds was reduced significantly by pre-plant incorporation of fluchloralin at 0.67, 0.90 and 1.12 kg ha-' and pre-emergence application of butachlor at 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg ha" over weedy check. Fluchloralin was effective only against Poa annua, while butachlor controlled Cichorium inlyhus. Whereas Rumex den latus and Lepidium .I'alivum were not controlled by any of the herbicides. Pre-emergence application of pendimethalin, though controlled the weeds but was toxic to the crop. The weed control efficiency with two hand weedings and fluchloralin at 1.12 kg ha-' was 71.6 and 70.5%, respectivcly. The fodder yield of Persian clover increased significantly with two hand weedings (30 and 45 days after sowing), fluchloralin at 0.67 kg ha-' and butachlor at 1.00 kg ha" over weedy check. All the weed management treatments improved the crude protein content of Persian clover over weedy check.