Clodinafop at 50 and 60 g ha- ' and fenoxaprop at 100 and 120 g ha- ' were very effective (85-90%) against grassy weeds but totally ineffective against broadleaf weeds in wheat. Triasulfuron at 20 to 25 g ha- ' was not at all effective against grassy weeds but highly effective (80-93%) against broadleaf weeds. Sulfosulfuron at 20 to 25 g ha- ' provided 7984% control of grassy weeds and 21-47% control of broadleaf weeds. Tank mixture of triasulfuron at 25 g ha- ' with c1odinafop at 50 g ha- ', fenoxaprop at 100 g ha- ' or sulfosulfuron at 20 g ha- ' proved very effective (76-87%) against both grasses and non-grasses in wheat.